Smart Robotic Window Cleaner Removes Traces and Fingerprints – but Not From Your Digital Device
Baustelle Schaustelle is pleased to present the solo-exhibition Die Summe meiner Daten – B/W Series by Elias Wessel at its exhibition space in Essen, Germany. The exhibition opens January 12, 2018 with an introduction by art historian Hanna Baro, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte and is on view until the February 25, 2018. An artist talk within the project space’s lecture series Zu Gast is taking place as part of the accompanying exhibition program at Baustelle Schaustelle Düsseldorf on January 23, 2018.

Installation view of the exhibition Die Summe meiner Daten – B/W Series. Jan 12 - Feb 25, 2018, Baustelle Schaustelle Essen, Germany (image and video © Elias Wessel and VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2018)

Video of a smart robotic window cleaner that removes all traces and fingerprints from the gallery window as part of the exhibition Die Summe meiner Daten – B/W Series at Baustelle Schaustelle Essen (click into image to view video)
ExhibitionsElias WesselDie Summe meiner Daten, B/W Series, Baustelle Schaustelle, Essen, Hanna Baro, Düsseldorf