Migrating Things – Objects Under the Influence
In her essay »Curiosity, today – A world condensed into every individual thing« Sabine du Crest refers to the work Die Summe meiner Daten – Origin (On Series, No. 1). The essay is published in the exhibition catalogue Migrating things – Objects under influence, presented at Musée de la Vieille Charité, Marseille (April 8 - October 18, 2022).
Migratory objects have always existed, be they people, gods, languages, utensils or viruses. At a time when how we treat people who are known as »migrants« has become a key issue, it is important to combat the demonization of the idea of migration by showing how migratory objects have become part of the fabric of this civilization that we call ours, and how they help it to spread and change.

Cassin, Barbara / Garsson, Muriel (2022): Migrating Things – Objects Under the Influence. Linéart, Paris / Musée de la Vieille Charité, Marseille. ISBN-10: 2359063782; ISBN-13: 978-2359063783; French / English; Published in 2022; Softcover, 207 pages; 7.95 x 0.59 x 9.84 inches (image and text © Lienart, 2022
PublicationsElias WesselElias Wessel, Die Summe meiner Daten, Migrating Things, Sabine du Crest, Barbara Cassin, Muriel Garsson, Linéart, Musée de la Vieille Charité, Migrating things - Objects under influence, Exhibition Catalogue, Die Summe meiner Daten – Origin