Kunst — Elias Wessel — Agenda
Sonic Interventions: Listen to the New Podcast »Stimmbezirke« by Freie Universität Berlin
TalksElias WesselNew York, Kultur, Kunst, Photography, Elias Wessel, 1014, 1014 New York, 1014 space for ideas, It‘s Complicated, Is Possibly Art, Exhibition, Quick Response, Privacy, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Podcast, Layla Zami, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Intervenierende Künste
Exhibition Film »It’s Complicated, Is Possibly Art« by Edna Luise Biesold at 1014 New York
VideosElias WesselNew York, Kultur, Dokumentation, Manuel Schlindwein, Kunst, Photography, Elias Wessel, Edna Luise Biesold, Buero Robot, Stephan Baumann, Alina Girshovich, 1014, 1014 New York, 1014 space for ideas, It‘s Complicated, Is Possibly Art, Exhibition, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Quick Response, Deepfakes, Privacy, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës
Exhibition Film Released by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Paris
VideosElias WesselDie Summe meiner Daten, On Series, B/W Series, Palais Beauharnais, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur, Paris, New York, Kultur, Dokumentation, Maria Anna Tappeiner, Andreas B. Krueger, Natalia Kiés, Manuel Schlindwein, Hôtel de Beauharnais, Kunst, Photography, Elias Wessel, I Don‘t Care. I Love My Phone, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images