ISCP’s 30th Anniversary Benefit Auction With Pieces by David Byrne, AI Weiwei, Elias Wessel and More
EventsElias WesselElias Wessel, ISCP, International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York, Brooklyn, Artist Residency, David Byrne, Ai Weiwei, Remy Jungerman, Humberto Moro, Mimi Thompson, James Rosenquist Foundation, ISCP’s 30th Anniversary Benefit
Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern Publishes Exhibition Catalogue »Transformationen«
PublicationsElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, MPK, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst 2024, Transformationen, Bezirksverband Pfalz, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Bewegtbild, Denise Kamm, Steffen Egle, Luisa Heese, Stefanie Kleinsorge, Tina Stolt, Julia Wallner, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, René Zechlin, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum Ludwigshafen
A Thesis on Social Media’s Bastardization of the Sacred by Chunbum Park
EssaysElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, It's Complicated, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Is Possibly Art, Textfetzen, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Picture Theory, Gallery, Exhibition, Two Coats of Paint, Review, Chunbum Park, Gerhard Richter, Chelsea
Casey Killoran Performs a Dadaist Reading From Elias Wessel’s Artbook »Textfetzen« [Scraps of Text]
EventsElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, It's Complicated, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Is Possibly Art, Textfetzen, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Picture Theory, Gallery, Exhibition, Gerhard Richter, Chelsea, Casey Killoran, Antonis Pittas
»It’s Complicated« Exhibition Named a »Must See« in Artforum’s Artguide
ArticlesElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, It's Complicated, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Is Possibly Art, Textfetzen, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Picture Theory, Gallery, Exhibition, Review, Gerhard Richter, Chelsea, Artforum, Artguide, Must See
Tique, Publication on Contemporary Art, Shares Its Selection of Interesting Exhibitions Worldwide
ArticlesElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, It's Complicated, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Is Possibly Art, Textfetzen, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Picture Theory, Gallery, Exhibition, Review, Gerhard Richter, Chelsea, Tique, Publication on Contemporary Art
Yale University Radio: Brainard Carey in Conversation With Elias Wessel
TalksElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, It's Complicated, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Is Possibly Art, Textfetzen, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Picture Theory, Gallery, Exhibition, Chelsea, Yale University, Yale University Radio, Museum of Non Visisble Art, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Marina Abramović, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Brainard Carey
Exposing Social Media – Exhibition Review in Two Coats of Paint
ArticlesElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, It's Complicated, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Is Possibly Art, Textfetzen, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Picture Theory, Gallery, Exhibition, Two Coats of Paint, Review, Chunbum Park, Gerhard Richter, Chelsea
Picture Theory Is Pleased to Present »Elias Wessel: It’s Complicated«
ExhibitionsElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, It's Complicated, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Is Possibly Art, Textfetzen, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Picture Theory, Gallery, Exhibition
Finalists of the 2024 Palatinate Prize for Fine Arts Announced
GrantsElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, MPK, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst 2024, Transformationen, Bezirksverband Pfalz, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Bewegtbild, Denise Kamm, Steffen Egle, Luisa Heese, Stefanie Kleinsorge, Tina Stolt, Julia Wallner, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, René Zechlin, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum Ludwigshafen
»Transformationen«—Exhibition at Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern
ExhibitionsElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, MPK, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst 2024, Transformationen, Bezirksverband Pfalz, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Bewegtbild, Denise Kamm, Steffen Egle
Nominee for the Palatinate Prize for Fine Arts 2024
GrantsElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, MPK, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst 2024, Transformationen, Bezirksverband Pfalz, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Bewegtbild, Denise Kamm, Steffen Egle
Artist Talk at the AXA Art Collection Cologne
ISCP Talk: Artists at Work, Elias Wessel With Matt Saunders
TalksElias WesselElias Wessel, ISCP, International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York, Brooklyn, Artist Residency, Matt Saunders, Hartfield Foundation, Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, New York City Council, New York State Council on the Arts, New York State Legislature, Spallart Collection, Kunstsammlung Spallart, James Rosenquist Foundation, van Beuren Charitable Foundation, William Talbott Hillman Foundation, Harvard University, Marian Goodman Gallery
International House Alumni Event: Artist Elias Wessel ’05 Studio Tour
EventsElias WesselElias Wessel, ISCP, International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York, Brooklyn, Artist Residency, International House, Alumni, i-house, Nostalgia
Fall Open Studios at International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP)
Would You Share Your Gold Medal? Exhibition at School of Visual Arts New York
Space Invaders – Summer Open House at the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP)
Artist Residency at the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP)
Sonic Interventions: Listen to the New Podcast »Stimmbezirke« by Freie Universität Berlin
TalksElias WesselNew York, Kultur, Kunst, Photography, Elias Wessel, 1014, 1014 New York, 1014 space for ideas, It‘s Complicated, Is Possibly Art, Exhibition, Quick Response, Privacy, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës, Podcast, Layla Zami, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Intervenierende Künste
Exhibition Film »It’s Complicated, Is Possibly Art« by Edna Luise Biesold at 1014 New York
VideosElias WesselNew York, Kultur, Dokumentation, Manuel Schlindwein, Kunst, Photography, Elias Wessel, Edna Luise Biesold, Buero Robot, Stephan Baumann, Alina Girshovich, 1014, 1014 New York, 1014 space for ideas, It‘s Complicated, Is Possibly Art, Exhibition, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Quick Response, Deepfakes, Privacy, Ist möglicherweise Kunst, Systems at Play, Natalia Kiës
»Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images« Are Extraordinary Things
ExhibitionsElias WesselElias Wessel, Exhibition, Objects. Stories. Experiences: Extraordinary Things, Assembly Required, Brooklyn, New York, Gowanus, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Bewegtbild, Videoinstallation, Video, Brave New World, Pawel Wojtasik, Heidi Hankaniemi, Bard College
Exhibition Film Released by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Paris
VideosElias WesselDie Summe meiner Daten, On Series, B/W Series, Palais Beauharnais, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur, Paris, New York, Kultur, Dokumentation, Maria Anna Tappeiner, Andreas B. Krueger, Natalia Kiés, Manuel Schlindwein, Hôtel de Beauharnais, Kunst, Photography, Elias Wessel, I Don‘t Care. I Love My Phone, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images
Wessel‘s »Landscapes« Are Too Present to Be Abstract Art, but Also Too Abstract to Represent the Present
PublicationsElias WesselLandscapes, Phoebe Verlag, Deutsches haus at NYU, NYU Arts & Science, In the end though nothing is lost, New York, Jenny Graser, Städel Museum Frankurt, Frank Wolff, Moderne Geschichte / IMIS Universität Osnabrück, Uwe Melichar, Kulturstiftung Speyer
»In the End, Though, Nothing Is Lost« at Deutsches Haus at New York University
Photographic Works Between the Years 2014-2017
PublicationsElias WesselSprung in die Zeit, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Feral, Liebst, Jejune, Die Summe meiner Daten, On Series, Off Series, B/W Series, Hinter den Dingen, Mark Gisbourne, 1014 New York, Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, Elias Wessel: History of Touches, Consulate General of the Federal Republic, New York, Phoebe Verlag, Photographische Arbeiten aus den Jahren 2014-2017, Photographic Works between the Years 2014-2017, Goethe Institut, Visions of Synthesis
History of Touches at the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany New York
ExhibitionsElias WesselDie Summe meiner Daten, On Series, Off Series, B/W Series, Elias Wessel: History of Touches, Photographische Arbeiten aus den Jahren 2014-2017, Photographic Works between the Years 2014-2017, Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, 1014 New York, Consulate General of the Federal Republic, New York, Mark Gisbourne, Peter Duhon, Phoebe Verlag, I Don‘t Care. I Love My Phone
Stuck Together Pieces! Special Spring Viewing at 1014 New York
EventsElias WesselElias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, 1014 New York, Goethe Haus, Feral, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Liebst, Sprung in die Zeit, Andy Warhol, Hannah Arendt, Uwe Johnson, Günter Grass, Rainer-Werner Fassbinder, Volker Schlöndorff, Wim Wenders, Jürgen Habermas, Max Beckmann, Candida Höfer, New York
1014 Presents »Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!« in the Heart of New York City
ExhibitionsElias Wessel1014 New York, Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Goethe Institut, Goethe Haus, Nina Tabassomi, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Feral, Liebst, Sprung in die Zeit, Taxispalais, Consulate General of the Federal Republic, Photographische Arbeiten aus den Jahren 2014-2017, Photographic Works between the Years 2014-2017