Posts in Publications
»Dream Factories«—Exploring the Future of Production Architecture in Germany
Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern Publishes Exhibition Catalogue »Transformationen«
First Comprehensive Monograph »Aesthetics of Conflict« Published by Verlag Kettler
Painting, Photography, and the Digital: Crossing the Borders of the Mediums
Textfetzen. It’s Complicated: Texte aus einem a/sozialen Netzwerk 2019–2021. Ist möglicherweise Kunst
Migrating Things – Objects Under the Influence
Exhibition Catalog: »Das Objekt im Fokus. Fotografie aus der Sammlung SpallArt«
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Paris Publishes Exhibition Catalogue
Exhibition Catalogue: I Am All of Glass
Absolute Abstraction Merges With Absolute Realism
Wessel‘s »Landscapes« Are Too Present to Be Abstract Art, but Also Too Abstract to Represent the Present
Photographic Works Between the Years 2014-2017