»Ist möglicherweise Kunst« – Audio Works Supported by the Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate for Culture
Ist möglicherweise Kunst (Is Possibly Art, 2021) is an extension of the It's Complicated series (2019). Audio works, for which the 11 images are transcribed using Image-To-Speech recognition. The elaboration, supported by the Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate for Culture and the Cultural Department of the Ministry of Science, Further Education and Culture, completes the cycle of works and is part of an expanded, cross-media exhibition concept. See all images and listen to all audio works here.
The images in It‘s Complicated are long exposures that capture the process of scrolling through newsfeeds of social media platforms. Texts, languages, videos and pictures, insignificant posts and false statements blend and blur with facts, meaningfulness and relevant topics. Contrasting informations from overlapping posts which clearly – not only in the final images – must be properly assigned and differentiated from one another.

Teaser: Ist möglicherweise Kunst (Is Possibly Art, 2021). Contains the images of It‘s Complicated (2019) and audio work It‘s Complicated – Series: Ist möglicherweise Kunst, 2021 (all images © Elias Wessel and VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2021)
GrantsElias WesselStiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur, It‘s Complicated, Is Possibly Art, Ist möglicherweise Kunst