Nominee for the Palatinate Prize for Fine Arts 2024
Since 1953, the Palatinate District Association (Bezirksverband Pfalz) has been awarding the Palatinate Prize for Fine Arts (Pfalzpreis für Bildende Kunst) for the purpose of strengthening artistic culture in the Palatinate, alternating between the three categories of painting, sculpture and graphics/photography/video/new media. For the first time, the genre boundaries have been lifted for nominations in 2024. Nominated positions from various areas of the visual arts range from painting, sculpture and graphic art to media performance art. The following artists qualified for the main prize: Christine Biehler, Thomas Brenner, Gabriele Engelhardt, Anne-Louise Hoffmann, Norbert Illig/Constanze Illig, Markus Kaesler, Rainer S. Kaufmann, Fabian Knöbl, Kerstin Mörsch, Veronika Olma, Mara Pollak, Michael Rausch, Hamdy Reda, Friedhelm Rettig, Gertrud Riethmüller, Keyvan Rooshanbin, Dominik Schmitt, Claudia Schmitz, Michael Volkmer, Marcel F. Weber, Elias Wessel, André Wischnewski and Rainer Zerback.

Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst “Transformationen” 2024, Poster (text and image © 2024 Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern)
GrantsElias WesselElias Wessel, New York, MPK, Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst, Pfalzpreis Bildende Kunst 2024, Transformationen, Bezirksverband Pfalz, Schöne neue Welt, Schöne neue Welt – The Moving Images, Bewegtbild, Denise Kamm, Steffen Egle