»Dream Factories«—Exploring the Future of Production Architecture in Germany
»Direkte Auktion« – The Art Scene Helps Itself
Luther, Uecker and Wessel Are in Concert at Art Basel
Wessel‘s »Landscapes« Are Too Present to Be Abstract Art, but Also Too Abstract to Represent the Present
PublicationsElias WesselLandscapes, Phoebe Verlag, Deutsches haus at NYU, NYU Arts & Science, In the end though nothing is lost, New York, Jenny Graser, Städel Museum Frankurt, Frank Wolff, Moderne Geschichte / IMIS Universität Osnabrück, Uwe Melichar, Kulturstiftung Speyer
In the »Landscapes« Series, Each Picture Is a Sum of Destruction
»In the End, Though, Nothing Is Lost« at Deutsches Haus at New York University
Historian Frank Wolff Reflects On the Soothing Power of Speed
Photographic Works Between the Years 2014-2017
PublicationsElias WesselSprung in die Zeit, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Feral, Liebst, Jejune, Die Summe meiner Daten, On Series, Off Series, B/W Series, Hinter den Dingen, Mark Gisbourne, 1014 New York, Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, Elias Wessel: History of Touches, Consulate General of the Federal Republic, New York, Phoebe Verlag, Photographische Arbeiten aus den Jahren 2014-2017, Photographic Works between the Years 2014-2017, Goethe Institut, Visions of Synthesis
In »Visions of Synthesis« Mark Gisbourne Finds More Than Fine Words to Say
EssaysElias WesselMark Gisbourne, Visions of Synthesis, Courtauld Institute, Slade School of Art London, Sotheby's Institute, British Art Critics (AICA), Tate Modern, London, Photographische Arbeiten aus den Jahren 2014-2017, Photographic Works between the Years 2014-2017, 1014 New York, Consulate General of the Federal Republic, Elias Wessel: History of Touches, Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, Rohkunstbau (Brandenburg), Gerhard Richter, Sprung in die Zeit, Liebst, Feral, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Jejune, Hinter den Dingen, Die Summe meiner Daten, On Series, Off Series, B/W Series, Otto Piene
Stuck Together Pieces! Special Spring Viewing at 1014 New York
EventsElias WesselElias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, 1014 New York, Goethe Haus, Feral, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Liebst, Sprung in die Zeit, Andy Warhol, Hannah Arendt, Uwe Johnson, Günter Grass, Rainer-Werner Fassbinder, Volker Schlöndorff, Wim Wenders, Jürgen Habermas, Max Beckmann, Candida Höfer, New York
1014 Presents »Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!« in the Heart of New York City
ExhibitionsElias Wessel1014 New York, Elias Wessel: Stuck Together Pieces!, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Goethe Institut, Goethe Haus, Nina Tabassomi, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Feral, Liebst, Sprung in die Zeit, Taxispalais, Consulate General of the Federal Republic, Photographische Arbeiten aus den Jahren 2014-2017, Photographic Works between the Years 2014-2017
Goethe Institute Frankfurt Presents »Traces of Reality«
Jenny Graser: In the End, Though, Nothing Is Lost
The AXA Art Collection Acquires the Entire »Landscapes« Series
CollectionsElias WesselAXA Kunstsammlung Köln, AXA Art Collection, Landscapes, Michaela Wallner, Zero, Günther Uecker, Gerhard Richter, Joseph Beuys, Joan Miró, Andy Warhol, Collections
Art Meets Brain at New York University
TalksElias WesselElias Wessel, Symposium, Talk, New York University, NYU, Wendy Suzuki, Ed Vessel, Max Planck Institute, Center for Neural Science, Landscapes